
I'm in a slump ... but my stepsister isn't.

My kids and I are all under the weather, so I haven't had any interest in cooking for the past week or so. I don't have recipes to share, so I thought I'd post a couple of links:

Mix It Up With Betty contest -- I submitted a bunch of recipes to this contest, but wasn't selected as a finalist. This is the downside of entering contests -- when I worked hard at one and don't win, I'm bummed out. These cookies all look very nice, but I have a hard time looking at the winners and figuring out what they are looking for. While I'm pouting, feel free to vote for your favorite.

My stepsister, the superstar -- My stepsister will be on "VH1's 40 Greatest Internet Superstars" tonight at 8 p.m.! Why? Well, that's a long story. Watch the show ... or check out Karyn Bosnak's web site.

(About the photo: Last weekend, Karyn and I were in the Chicago area for my brother's wedding. The photo is of the two of us after belting out our karaoke rendition of "I Will Survive" at Clark's Bar in Waukegan. Karyn knew every word to the song and sang in tune - she is a woman of many talents.)