
If I won a million dollars...

There's a cool article in today's Democrat and Chronicle about a local chef, Gerry Brinkman, who built a wood-fired brick oven in his back yard. When he fires up the oven, it's time for an outdoor baking party at his house. When the oven is at its highest temperature, they start by baking pizza, and as it cools down it's on to breads, then cookies, then slow-cooked dishes, and so on. It sounds cool and fun. Add some beer and some jamming musicians and you've got the perfect party. Here's a link to the article.

As I read the article, I found myself thinking, "if I won the million dollars, I'd do that." I have that fleeting thought every so often these days. I don't expect to win the million, because an appetizer has never won the Pillsbury Bake-off contest, but it's still fun to think about it. So I guess I need to find a way to make friends with that chef. Think I could just call him and beg?

Anyway, I'm going nutso trying to get ready to head out of town for the Pillsbury contest, so this will probably be the last post before I take off (early Sunday morning). I plan to take my laptop and post from Dallas, so check back on Sunday (the day we fly to Dallas), Monday (the day of the contest), and Tuesday (the day the winners are announced). Butterflies...