
Walk-Around Tacos in the Adirondacks

Over Labor Day weekend, our family joined another family for a camping trip in the Adirondack mountains. We went to a state campground called Rollins Pond. I never sleep well while we're camping, so one day I decided to get up and watch the sun rise over the pond. At first it was completely quiet and the mist over the pond made it hard to see to the other side.

Eventually a kayaker emerged from the mist. I also spotted a loon but he was too quick for my camera.

More kayakers lazily floated by as the mist dissipated and the pond became like a mirror. It was a nice way to start the day.

I'm not a fancy cook when we camp, but I did try a new "recipe" that was a hit with kids and adults alike. My friend, Marie, gave me the idea from something she had eaten at a street fair, called Walk-Around Tacos. You crush a single-serving size bag of Fritos or Doritos, then cut open the side. Insert your favorite taco toppings -- taco meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, etc. Eat the whole thing right out of the bag with a fork. The nice thing about this for camping was the fact that you only had to cook the taco meat, and the only dish was the pan used for making the taco meat! A definite keeper recipe for camping!